Epidemiology & Cancer Registry

Epidemiology is the study of diseases in human populations. Cancer epidemiology contributes to the whole spectrum of cancer control (prevention, screening, early detection, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliation).

The mission of the Department of Epidemiology and Cancer Registry at CancerCare Manitoba is to collect, organize, and analyze population-based cancer data in Manitoba.

Our goals include the following:

  • Maintain and constantly improve the Manitoba Cancer Registry's database with current up-to-date standards and coding classification systems
  • Provide cancer data, methodological, and cancer epidemiological expertise to CancerCare Manitoba, Manitoba Health, the University of Manitoba, provincial, national and international agencies
  • Provide on-going cancer surveillance for the province of Manitoba
  • Lead and collaborate with other researchers and health care providers to conduct cancer epidemiological research
  • Educate and train medical students, graduate students, and residents

Contact Us

Epidemiology & Cancer Registry
Room ON-2114
675 McDermot Ave
Winnipeg, MB R3E 0V9
Phone: 204-787-2174
Fax: 204-786-0628

Room CC-18
825 Sherbrook St.
Fax 204-784-2879

Email: [email protected]